Curriculum Vitae by Christof Wolf, S.J.
1987–90 Vocational training as carpenter and stage-technician at the City Theater Chemnitz, Germany
1990–93 College preparatory school “Norbertinum” in Magdeburg, Germany
1993 Joined the Jesuits
1997 B.A. in Philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy, Germany
1998 Interim Exam in Dramaturgy at the LMU and the Munich Academy of Theater, Germany
2000 M.A. in Dramaturgy at the Graduate School of Dramaturgy at the Leipzig University of Music and Theatre, Germany
2004 B.A. in Theology for Ministry at Heythrop College - University of London, United Kingdom
2004 Ordination to priesthood in Berlin, Germany
2006 Graduated from the New York Film Academy for the “One Year Program: “Cinematography and Film Production”
Teaching, Professional Memberships and Activities ^
1998–2021 Member of “The Society of Dramaturgy” (Dramaturgische Gesellschaft) and the “Forum of Young Dramaturgy”
since 1999 Member of the “International Society of Heiner Mueller”
2000/01 Teaching Religion at Canisius College, Berlin
2001 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy, seminar: “Cyber movies as of understanding contemporary human existence. Introduction in ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (Kubrik), ‘Solaris’ (Tarkowskij) and film analysis of ‘The Matrix’ (Wachowski Bros.), ‘eXistenZ’ (Cronenberg) and ‘Ghost in the Shell’ (Oshii)”.
2002 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy, seminar: “In Dialog with the Public: Internet/Intranet”.
2003 International Consultant with Loyola Productions, Inc. Los Angeles
since 2004 Associate Member of FSF (Free Software Foundation)
2004/05 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy, seminar: “Ideals and Reality of Education in Movies”.
2005 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering
of young people from around the world, Cologne, Germany
since 2006 CEO, President of Loyola Productions Munich GmbH
2006 Workshop „Spirituality and Film“, Fairfield University, Connecticut, USA
2006 Member of the SIGNIS Jury at the 54. International Filmfestival Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain
2008 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Sydney, Australia
2009 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy, seminar: “Dreamlike Films. Psychoanalytical Film-theory”
since 2010 CEO, Executive Producer of DOK TV & Media GmbH
2010/11 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy “Cultural Approaches to Religion”, seminar: “Spirituality in Fictional Films”
2011 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Madrid, Spain
since 2012 Chaplain for the “Association of Catholic Journalists Germany” (GKP)
2012–22 Member of the Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office for Film and Broadcasting
2012/13 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy “Cultural Approaches to Religion”, seminar: “Spirituality in Non-Fictional Films”
since 2013 Member of the German Whitehead Society
2013 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2014 Member of the SIGNIS Jury at the X. International Catholic Festival of Christian Documentary and TV Programs “Magnificat”, Minsk, Hlybokaye, Belarus
2014/15 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “Spirituality in Fictional Films by Muslim Filmmakers”
since 2015 Chaplain for the “Association of Catholic Entrepreneurs” (BKU) Munich
2015 Member of the Jury for the Award: “Leipziger Ring” and member of the Ecumenical SIGNIS Jury at the 58th International Leipzig Festival for Animated and Documentary Film – DOK Leipzig
2016 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Krakow, Poland
2016/17 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “Wachowski’s Film Universe. Salvation in science fiction films or why Jupiter Jones cleans toilets with great joy”
2017–22 Chairman of the Editorial Board of the “filmdienst” – the online portal for cinema and film culture
2018/19 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “True Grit. Passion and persistence for long-term life goals in films”
2019 President of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Panama City, Panama
2019/20 Lecturer at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Social Sciences Rome, seminar: “Film-Production. From the idea to the completed film”
since 2020 Chairman of the Program- and Innovation Board of the TELLUX-GROUP
2020/21 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “Consciousness - Dream - Reality: The New Metaphysical Film. Works by Linklater, Phang and Oshii”
2021/22 Lecturer at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Social Sciences Rome, seminar: “Film-Production. From the idea to the completed film”
Fall Semester 2022 Visiting Instructor at the St. Louis University, College of Arts and Sciences, seminar: “Filmmaking as Advocacy”
2022/23 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “Dolce Vita versus Melancholia - The Meaning of Life in Film”
Fall Semester 2023 masterclass „Cell Phone Filmmaking“ at the Saint Louis University, College of Arts and Sciences, Film & Media Studies and the Department of Communication
2023/24 Lecturer at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Social Sciences Rome, seminar: “Film-Production. From the idea to the completed film”
Fall Semester 2024 Professor in Residence at the School of Film and Television at the Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, Prod 101 - Production Bootcamp: The Film Crew at Work
Filmography ^
2019–23 “Ignatius – the God Seeker” – animated documentary, 60’ HD (Producer/Director/Screenplay/Visual Script/Editor/Sound Design), Awards: three Silver Telly Awards in the categories: Virtual Art Direction, Sound & Sound Design, and Character Design
2023 “Jesuit Worldwide Learning – Backstage” 11’ HD (Producer/Director/DP/Editor)
2023 Five portraits for the Lassalle-Haus: “Spiritual Exercises” 7' HD, “Contemplation” 7' HD, “Zen-Meditation” 7’ HD, “Yoga” 6’ HD and “Fasting” 6’ HD (Producer/Director/Editor)
2021 “Soulsailer. The Quest for Meaning” 43’ HD (Producer/Director/DP/Editor), science documentary. Awards: Golden Telly Award Winner in the category: Cinematography, two Silver Telly Awards in the categories: Documentary and Culture
2020 App “God Seeker – What holds the world together at its core” (Google-Play-Store, Apple-App-Store)
2019 “Stardust and Soulbird” 41’ HD (Producer/Director), animated feature film, Awards: Telly Award Winner in the category: Motivational (intended to motivate or inspire the viewer).
2019 “Valuable” (Wert-voll) 22’ HD (Producer/Film Director), theatre performance on the theme of integration and values
2018 “Cautela! Strengthen prevention - promote healing.” An audio-visual prevention program for teachers, pupils and parents. Workbook (150 pages, three films 10'/8'/8' HD (Producer/Director/Editor)
2017 "Jesuit Worldwide Learning – With Education we Shall Prosper" 12’ HD (Producer/Director/DP), Imagefilm
2017 “Deacon – Bridgebuilder and Border Crosser” 27’ HD and three Portraits: “Deacon – not a Job but a Vocation” 11’/12’/14’ HD (Producer/Director/Writer/DP). Documentary
2017 “The Legacy of a Noble Experiment” (“Das Erbe des heiligen Experimentes” (about the Jesuit Missions in Latin America) 37’ HD, (Producer/Director/Writer). Documentary
2017 “The Cross and More. An Introduction to the Christian Faith”. A 9-part series on DVD: Human Existence, Creation, Faith, Hope, Love, Reconciliation and Forgiveness, Freedom, Dying and Death, and Resurrection. Films (239’ HD) and Material. Editors: Johann Spermann SJ / Ulrike Gentner / Christof Wolf SJ, published by Katholisches Bibelwerk Stuttgart
2016 “Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle. Bridge-builder between Zen and Christianity.” 110’ HD, (Producer/Director/Writer). Documentary. Awards: Telly Award Winner in the categories: Documentary, History, Biography and Spirituality/Religion
2016 “The Angel of Dachau” 71’ (Producer/Director), Audiobook about Fr. Engelmar Unzeitig CMM published on September 24, 2016, at his day of beatification
2014 “We are looking for humans – real humans! Socrates and Diogenes in Munich” 5’ HD (Producer/Director). Animation
2013 “No Beginning – No End.” 13’ 48’’ HD (Producer/Director). Experimental film about dreams and memories in the London Circle Line.
2012 “Horizon of Hope. Life in the Chinhoyi Diocese of Zimbabwe” 45’ HD, (Producer/Director/Writer). Special Prize: “The Niepokalanow International Catholic Festival” (Poland) for “sophistication in portraying contemporary missionary service” at the IX. International Catholic Festival of Christian Films and TV Programs MAGNIFICAT 2013 (Minsk). The Award - which is given every year as „Grand Prix“ of Niepokalonow in Poland as well - features Saint Maximilian Kolbe.
2012 “The 11th Day. The Survivors of Munich 1972”. 52’ HD, (DP, Second Unit), Biography Channel.
2011/2012 “On Foot to Jerusalem” 30’/45’ HD, SRF “Sternstunden”, Producer and Director, the documentary accompanies four pilgrims, who walk the old Crusader route from Switzerland to Jerusalem (4800 km in 206 days). Film Festival: “VIII. International Catholic Festival of Christian Documentary Films and TV Programs MAGNIFICAT 2012” (International Competition). Awards: Bronze Telly Award Category Spirituality and Religion
2011/12 “Challenging Churchill” 90’, ZDF/ARTE, Producer and Director for 25 minutes of Animatics, which deals with Churchill’s role in the fate of Poland during WW II.
2010 “The Labyrinth. The Testimony of Marian Kolodziej.” 37’ HD, Documentary. USA, Germany, Associate Producer, Camera Operator, Still Photographer. Film Festivals / Awards: World Premiere on August 13th, 2010 at the International Documentary Association’s 14th Annual DocuWeeks™ Shorts 2010 Theatrical Documentary Showcase, Hollywood, CA. 2010 Redemptive Storytelling Award from the Redemptive Film Festival (Newport News, VA), Official Selection: 2010 Boston Film Festival, the 2010 Polish Film Festival of America (Los Angeles), the 2010 Plus Camerimage Film Festival (Poland), the 2011 Santa Barbara International Film Festival; the 2011 Boulder International Film Festival (Boulder, CO); the 2011 Peace on Earth Film Festival (Chicago, IL); the John Paul II Film Festival (Miami FL), the 13th Annual Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival 2011 (Tel Aviv, Israel), 2011 Palm Springs International Short Film Festival.
2010 “East of Berlin.” 13’ HD, Documentary, USA, Germany. Executive Producer. Film Festivals /Awards: 2011 Heartland Film Festival, 2012 BEA Festival of Media Arts (Best of Festival Award), 2012 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, EuroAsia Shorts 2012.
2009 “The Promise of Freedom. European Christians Facing the Challenges of a Post- Communist Era.” 25’ HD, Documentary. Germany, Producer. XII. International Film Festival for Cinema and Religion (international competition) 2009
2006–08 “In Spite of Darkness. A Spiritual Encounter with Auschwitz.” 74’ HD & 16mm, Documentary. Munich, produced & directed, Film Festivals / Awards: 3 Silver Telly Awards: music, cinematography and in the category: spirituality and religion 2008; “Redemptive Storyteller Award 2008“ (Virginia, USA); XI. International Film Festival for Cinema and Religion (international competition and category inter-religious dialog); “Redemptive Film Festival 2008”, Virginia USA (winner); finalist at the “2nd European Spiritual Film Festival 2009” (Paris); Best Documentary at the “V. International Catholic Festival of Christian Documentary Films and TV Programs MAGNIFICAT 2009” (international competition, Belarus); Film Festival “Truth Heals” 2010 (Berlin); finalist at the CULTURE&CULTURES Intercultural Int. Film Festival Lempaut, France 2010; finalist at SIGNIS –WACC, 17 European TV Festival of Religious Programs Berlin, Germany 2010; finalist at Spirit Enlightened – Culture Unplugged 2010 German TV Premiere: Nov 1, 2011, BR-Alpha.
2007 “Marian Kolodziej No. 432. Auschwitz Surviver”, 18’ HD, Munich, produced & directed
2006 “Instructions to the Cook: Living a Life That Matters.” 43’40” HD, Documentary about Bernie Glassman, produced & directed Film, Festivals / Awards: “Film Makers Choice Award: Best Art”, Culture Unplugged 2010; finalist at “Conscious Life Expo Film Festival 2008”
2006 “The Raven. The Philosophy of Composition” by Edgar Allan Poe. 15’08” HD, Documentary. New York, filmed, produced & directed
2006 “Letter to Ann”. 6’16” 16mm, Short film, written & directed
2005 “Walking in My Shoes”. 3’45” 16mm, Music film, filmed, produced & directed
2005 “OIII C - Fictional Biographies”. 45’ DVCam, Short film, filmed, produced & directed
2003–05 “A Hunger Artist”. 17’36” DVCam, Short film about performance artist David Blaine. A LPI Production - London, Los Angeles, filmed, produced & directed
2000–02 “On Horseback Through the Desert - The life of father Eusebio Kino SJ - Scientist and Missionary”. 29’ DVCam, Documentary about Fr. Kino S.J. filmed, produced & directed
2000 “The Monster of the Sea”. 10’28” DVCam, Commissioned by the City Markkleeberg for the Expo2000. (director Friederike Köpf). A performance with video about brown coal/open-cast mining/sea of Cospuden, filmed, produced & directed
2000 “Taxi Driver <remake>”. 04’30” DVCam, Short film, sound, digital editing, director
1999 “International Actors Workshop”. 10’50” DVCam, Documentary about the four actors from Germany, four actors from Chile and four actors from India debate the “Hamletmaschine” (hamlet machine) by Heiner Müller) on the 8th theatre festival in Meiningen (director Alexander Stillmark). A video production of the Leipzig University of Music and Theatre, camera, sound, digital editing, assistant director
Theater ^
2001 “The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other” a drama by Peter Handke. Canisius College Berlin, director
1999 “From Russia With Love, Demetrius” a drama according to Friedrich Schiller’s fragment “Demetrius”, at [kampnagel] Hamburg, writer and art director
1998 “Risen From the Myths. Madonna - Meinhof - Medea. The Other Knowledge. Three Women in Discourse”. Stage reading with music and video installation: Madonna “Like a Prayer” on the fall of literature in Leipzig. Music hall of University of Music and Theatre Leipzig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, script & video
1998 “Evening Greeting - or Heaven and Hell on the Sidewalk” a drama by Dominik Finkelde. Parish hall in St. Martin Leipzig, director
1997 “Penthesilea” a drama by Heinrich von Kleist, project for the Institute of Theatre (ITW). Stage at ITW, Munich, actor (roles: captain, messenger, choir)
1997 “Cheated Cheats - Uncovered Crimes. Demetrius or the Marriage of Blood in Moscow” stage reading of Friedrich Schiller’s at the IX. International Schiller Festival. Stage A, National Theatre Mannheim, script, stage reader
Publications ^
- 2021. The Moment Is For Me. An Ignatian Guide to Prayer. Translation by Daniel Jamros. Illustrations by Monika Gatt and an epilogue by Josef Schmidt. Loyola Productions Munich 2021, 119p.
- 2020. Between Illusion and Reality. The Wachowski Brothers’ "Matrix" as Cinematic Critique of the Digital World. (Zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit. Wachowskis Matrix als filmische Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Welt). 2nd extended edition. Loyola Productions Munich 2020, 128p (pdf).
- 2018. Cautela! Strengthen prevention - promote healing. (Cautela! Prävention stärken – Heilung fördern). An audio-visual prevention program for teachers, pupils and parents. Workbook. Edited by Alexander Buck, Monika Gatt, Felicitas Richter, Christof Wolf and Uwe Wrobel. Verlag Sankt Michaelsbund 2018, 150p.
- 2014. Der Augenblick ist mein: Eine ignatianische Anleitung zum Beten. Mit Aquarellen von Monika Gatt und einem Nachwort von Josef Schmidt SJ. Bonifatius Verlag, 120p.
- 2002. Between Illusion and Reality. The Wachowski Brothers’ "Matrix" as Cinematic Critique of the Digital World. (Zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit. Wachowskis Matrix als filmische Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Welt)Beiträge zur Medienästhetik und Mediengeschichte Bd. 14. Lit Verlag 2002, 123p.
Articles ^
- 2024. Truth and Imagination in Film. (Wahrheit und Imagination im Film, pdf). In: Münchner Theologische Zeitschrift, Heft 3, München 2024.
- 2021. Film Productions of Religious Orders. (Filmproduktionen der Ordensgemeinschaften). In: Visual Truth and Discursive Interpretation. A field description of Catholic film work in guiding ideas, areas of work, and cultural commentary (Visuelle Wahrheit und diskursive Deutung. Eine Feldbeschreibung katholischer Filmarbeit in Leitgedanken, Arbeitsbereichen und kulturellen Kommentaren) / edited by the Secretariat of the German Bishops' Conference. Bonn 2021. Arbeitshilfe 326, 102-105.
- 2021. Film Retreats. (FilmExerzitien) by Dr. Thomas Kroll & Christof Wolf. In: Visual truth and discursive interpretation. A field description of Catholic film work in guiding ideas, work areas and cultural commentaries (Visuelle Wahrheit und diskursive Deutung. Eine Feldbeschreibung katholischer Filmarbeit in Leitgedanken, Arbeitsbereichen und kulturellen Kommentaren) / edited by the Secretariat of the German Bishops' Conference. Bonn 2021. Arbeitshilfe 326, 135-141.
- 2020. Fierce Reactions. Again and again on Holy and Easter Days: the portrayal of Jesus in film. (Heftige Reaktionen. Immer wieder zu den Kar- und Ostertagen: Die Darstellung Jesu im Film) In: Münchner Kirchenzeitung. April 5, 2020 / Nr. 14, 10.
- 2020. The Bible Viewed Through Entrepreneurial Eyes. (Die Bibel durch die Unternehmerbrille betrachtet). In: BKU Journal, Nr. 1/2020, 18.
- 2019. 30 Years of the Fall of the Wall: Being a Catholic in the GDR (30 Jahre Mauerfall: Katholik sein in der DDR). In: Stimmen der Zeit 10/2019, Bd. 237, 721-722.
- 2019. The Essence of Film Retreats. (Vom Wesen der Film-Exerzitien). In: Spiritualität konkret. Themenheft - Exerzitien. Hrsg. Congregatio Jesu – ZENTRUM MARIA WARD. Heft 7, 2019, 28-33.
- 2019. “You shall not be called masters.” The film “Ai-un: Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle. Bridge-builder between Zen and Christianity” (Der Film „Ai-un: Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle. Brückenbauer zwischen Zen und Christentum“). In: Spirituality of the Future (Spiritualität der Zukunft). Search movements in a multi-religious world. EOS Editions Sankt Ottilien 2019, 119-126.
- 2019. Are rituals still needed today? Creatively alive, not fossilized in form. (Werden Rituale heute noch gebraucht? Kreativ lebendig, nicht in der Form erstarrt). In: Münchner Kirchenzeitung. August 11, 2019 / Nr. 32,33, 2-3.
- 2017. Winnetou’s Death (Winnetous Tod). In: Der Beobachter an der Elbe. Karl May, Ethnographie, Abenteuergenre, Museumsreport. Nr. 29, 12/2017, 35-36.
- 2014. Schwestern und La Religieuse (Die Nonne). Zum Film von Anna Wild und Guillaume Nicloux. In: Erbe und Auftrag 2/2014, 197-200.
- 2012. Review about the dOCUMENTA 13 (Review: dOCUMENTA (13). Rückblick auf 100 Tage Kunst in Kassel). By Monika Gatt und Christof Wolf. In: Stimmen der Zeit 10/2012, Bd. 230, 713-715.
- 4/2012ff. Eckpunkte. (Vertex). The monthly column by the Chaplain for the “Association of Catholic Journalists Germany” (GKP)
- 2011. Finding God in Film: Young Filmmakers Showcase their Work at WYD’s 3rd Iñigo Film Festival (TIFF). Präsenz und Abwesenheit Gottes aus der Sicht junger Filmemacher. 3. Iñigo Film Festival (TIFF) auf dem Weltjugendtag in Madrid (2011). In: Stimmen der Zeit 08/2011, Online exclusive.
- 2011. Of Gods and Men. (Des Hommes et des Dieux). Zum Film von Xavier Beauvois. In: Erbe und Auftrag 2/2011, 207-210.
- 2010. Intensifying Prevention and Promoting Healing. Remarks on an american success story. Prävention stärken – Heilung fördern. Anmerkungen zu einem US-amerikanischen Erfolgsmodell. ok (ordens korrespondenz), Heft 3/2010, 296-299.
-2010. Vision: From the Life of Hildegard Von Bingen. Vision – aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen. Zum Film von Margarethe von Trotta. In: Erbe und Auftrag 1/2010, 81-83.
- 2009. The End of an Art Collectors Family (Die Familie eines Kunstsammlers geht in die Brüche – die 53. Biennale in Venedig). Von Monika Gatt & Christof Wolf. In: Die Tagespost Nr. 108, p 10.
- 2009. Roman Heros – the Ben Hur Spectacle (Römische Helden). Von Monika Gatt & Christof Wolf. In: Die Tagespost, Nr. 59, p 10.
- 2007. Review about the documenta 12 (Review: Rückschau auf die documenta 12). Von Monika Gatt und Christof Wolf. In: Stimmen der Zeit 11/2007, Bd. 225, 774-776.
- 2007. Cinema and Contemplation: “Into Great Silence” (Kontemplation im Kino. “Die große Stille”. In: Erbe und Auftrag 2/2007, 205-207.
- 2007. Review about 54. International Filmfestival Donostia (Review: 54. Internationales Filmfestival Donostia. In: Stimmen der Zeit 2/2007, Bd. 225, 130-133.
- 2005. Film-Retreats: A Practical Guide for using Films for Spirituality (Film-Exerzitien: Eine praktische Anleitung für einen spirituellen Umgang mit Filmen. In: geist.voll 3/2005, 19-20.
- 2004. Some lines shouldn‘t be crossed - The Resurrection in Joel Schumacher‘s film “Flatliners”, pdf-file, 33p.
- 2004. The Hero’s Journey between Illusion and Reality. Why “Matrix Reloaded” and “Matrix Revolutions” failed. pdf-file, 9p.
- 2004. Jesus a Man of Pain (Jesus - ein Schmerzensmann. Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” im Rohschnitt. In: forum Nr. 2/2004, 28-29.
- 2003. Jesus a Man of Pain (Ein Schmerzensmann. Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”. In: filmdienst 26/2003, 12-14.
- 2003. It’s Over. Matrix Revisited: The End of a Trilogy (Am Ende – Matrix Revisited: Betrachtungen am Ende der Trilogie). In: filmdienst 24/2003, 6-9.
- 2002. Between Illusion and Reality. The Wachowski Brothers’ Matrix as Cinematic Critique of the Digital World (Zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit. Wachowskis Matrix als filmische Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Welt). Beitraege zur Medienaesthetik und Mediengeschichte Bd. 14. Lit Verlag 2002, 123p.
- 2000. Jesuit Theater in Germany (Jesuitentheater in Deutschland). In: Funiok/Schöndorf (Hrsg.) Ignatius von Loyola und die Pädagogik der Jesuiten. Ein Modell für Schule und Persönlichkeitsbildung. Reihe Geschichte und Reflexion. Hrsg. v. J. Petersen u. G.-B. Reinert. Auer Verlag, Donauwörth 2000, 172-199.
- 1999. Jesuit Theater. Jesuitentheater. In: “Hierlanda” University Church Vienna.
Book Reviews ^
- 2002. Triumpfus Divi Michaelis. The Triumpf of Saint Michael (Triumpfus Divi Michaelis. Triumpf des Heiligen Michael). Einleitung, Übersetzung und Text, Kommentar. Hrsg. von Barbara Bauer und Jürgen Leonardt. (Jesuitica Bd. 2). in: Geist und Leben 3/2002, 237-238.
Curriculum Vitae by Christof Wolf, S.J.
Teaching, Professional Memberships and Activities
Publications: Books | Articles | Book Reviews
1987–90 Vocational training as carpenter and stage-technician at the City Theater Chemnitz, Germany
1990–93 College preparatory school “Norbertinum” in Magdeburg, Germany
1993 Joined the Jesuits
1997 B.A. in Philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy, Germany
1998 Interim Exam in Dramaturgy at the LMU and the Munich Academy of Theater, Germany
2000 M.A. in Dramaturgy at the Graduate School of Dramaturgy at the Leipzig University of Music and Theatre, Germany
2004 B.A. in Theology for Ministry at Heythrop College - University of London, United Kingdom
2004 Ordination to priesthood in Berlin, Germany
2006 Graduated from the New York Film Academy for the “One Year Program: “Cinematography and Film Production”
Teaching, Professional Memberships and Activities ^
1998–2021 Member of “The Society of Dramaturgy” (Dramaturgische Gesellschaft) and the “Forum of Young Dramaturgy”
since 1999 Member of the “International Society of Heiner Mueller”
2000/01 Teaching Religion at Canisius College, Berlin
2001 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy, seminar: “Cyber movies as of understanding contemporary human existence. Introduction in ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (Kubrik), ‘Solaris’ (Tarkowskij) and film analysis of ‘The Matrix’ (Wachowski Bros.), ‘eXistenZ’ (Cronenberg) and ‘Ghost in the Shell’ (Oshii)”.
2002 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy, seminar: “In Dialog with the Public: Internet/Intranet”.
2003 International Consultant with Loyola Productions, Inc. Los Angeles
since 2004 Associate Member of FSF (Free Software Foundation)
2004/05 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy, seminar: “Ideals and Reality of Education in Movies”.
2005 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering
of young people from around the world, Cologne, Germany
since 2006 CEO, President of Loyola Productions Munich GmbH
2006 Workshop „Spirituality and Film“, Fairfield University, Connecticut, USA
2006 Member of the SIGNIS Jury at the 54. International Filmfestival Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain
2008 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Sydney, Australia
2009 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy, seminar: “Dreamlike Films. Psychoanalytical Film-theory”
since 2010 CEO, Executive Producer of DOK TV & Media GmbH
2010/11 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy “Cultural Approaches to Religion”, seminar: “Spirituality in Fictional Films”
2011 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Madrid, Spain
since 2012 Chaplain for the “Association of Catholic Journalists Germany” (GKP)
2012–22 Member of the Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office for Film and Broadcasting
2012/13 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy “Cultural Approaches to Religion”, seminar: “Spirituality in Non-Fictional Films”
since 2013 Member of the German Whitehead Society
2013 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2014 Member of the SIGNIS Jury at the X. International Catholic Festival of Christian Documentary and TV Programs “Magnificat”, Minsk, Hlybokaye, Belarus
2014/15 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “Spirituality in Fictional Films by Muslim Filmmakers”
since 2015 Chaplain for the “Association of Catholic Entrepreneurs” (BKU) Munich
2015 Member of the Jury for the Award: “Leipziger Ring” and member of the Ecumenical SIGNIS Jury at the 58th International Leipzig Festival for Animated and Documentary Film – DOK Leipzig
2016 Festival Director, Executive Producer of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Krakow, Poland
2016/17 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “Wachowski’s Film Universe. Salvation in science fiction films or why Jupiter Jones cleans toilets with great joy”
2017–22 Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Online-Portal “filmdienst”
2018/19 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “True Grit. Passion and persistence for long-term life goals in films”
2019 President of “The Iñigo Film Festival” (TIFF) – a film festival for short spiritual films for young film maker, sponsored by the Jesuits for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world, Panama City, Panama
2019/20 Lecturer at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Social Sciences Rome, seminar: “Film-Production. From the idea to the completed film”
since 2020 Chairman of the Program- and Innovation Board of the TELLUX-GROUP
2020/21 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “Consciousness - Dream - Reality: The New Metaphysical Film. Works by Linklater, Phang and Oshii”
2021/22 Lecturer at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Social Sciences Rome, seminar: “Film-Production. From the idea to the completed film”
Fall Semester 2022 Visiting Instructor at the Saint Louis University, College of Arts and Sciences, seminar: “Filmmaking as Advocacy”
2022/23 Lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy for “Culture, Art and Religion”, seminar: “Dolce Vita versus Melancholia - The Meaning of Life in Film”
Fall Semester 2023 Masterclass „Cell Phone Filmmaking“ at the Saint Louis University, College of Arts and Sciences, Film & Media Studies and the Department of Communication
Fall Semester 2024 Professor in Residence at the School of Film and Television at the Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, Prod 101 - Production Bootcamp: The Film Crew at Work
Filmography ^
2019–23 “Ignatius – the God Seeker” – animated documentary, 60’ HD (Producer/Director/Screenplay/Visual Script/Editor/Sound Design), Awards: three Silver Telly Awards in the categories: Virtual Art Direction , Sound & Sound Design, and Character Design
2023 “Jesuit Worldwide Learning – Backstage” 11’ HD (Producer/Director/DP/Editor)
2023 Five portraits for the Lassalle-Haus: “Spiritual Exercises” 7' HD, “Contemplation” 7' HD, “Zen-Meditation” 7’ HD, “Yoga” 6’ HD and “Fasting” 6’ HD (Producer/Director/Editor)
2021 “Soulsailer. The Quest for Meaning” 43’ HD (Producer/Director/DP/Editor), science documentary, Awards: Golden Telly Award Winner in the category: Cinematography, two Silver Telly Awards in the categories: Documentary and Cultural Film
2020 App “God Seeker – What holds the world together at its core” (Google-Play-Store, Apple-App-Store)
2019 “Stardust and Soulbird” 41’ HD (Producer/Director), animated feature film, Awards: Telly Award Winner in the category: Motivational (intended to motivate or inspire the viewer).
2019 “Valuable” (Wert-voll) 22’ HD (Producer/Film Director), theatre performance on the theme of integration and values
2018 “Cautela! Strengthen prevention - promote healing.” An audio-visual prevention program for teachers, pupils and parents. Workbook (150 pages, three films 10'/8'/8' HD (Producer/Director/Editor)
2017 "Jesuit Worldwide Learning – With Education we Shall Prosper" 12’ HD (Producer/Director/DP), Imagefilm
2017 “Deacon – Bridgebuilder and Border Crosser” 27’ HD and three Portraits: “Deacon – not a Job but a Vocation” 11’/12’/14’ HD (Producer/Director/Writer/DP). Documentary
2017 “The Legacy of a Noble Experiment” (“Das Erbe des heiligen Experimentes” (about the Jesuit Missions in Latin America) 37’ HD, (Producer/Director/Writer). Documentary
2017 “The Cross and More. An Introduction to the Christian Faith”. A 9-part series on DVD: Human Existence, Creation, Faith, Hope, Love, Reconciliation and Forgiveness, Freedom, Dying and Death, and Resurrection. Films (239’ HD) and Material. Editors: Johann Spermann SJ / Ulrike Gentner / Christof Wolf SJ, published by Katholisches Bibelwerk Stuttgart
2016 “Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle. Bridge-builder between Zen and Christianity.” 110’ HD, (Producer/Director/Writer). Documentary. Awards: Telly Award Winner in the categories: Documentary, History, Biography and Spirituality/Religion
2016 “The Angel of Dachau” 71’ (Producer/Director), Audiobook about Fr. Engelmar Unzeitig CMM published on September 24, 2016, at his day of beatification
2014 “We are looking for humans – real humans! Socrates and Diogenes in Munich” 5’ HD (Producer/Director). Animation
2013 “No Beginning – No End.” 13’ 48’’ HD (Producer/Director). Experimental film about dreams and memories in the London Circle Line.
2012 “Horizon of Hope. Life in the Chinhoyi Diocese of Zimbabwe” 45’ HD, (Producer/Director/Writer). Special Prize: “The Niepokalanow International Catholic Festival” (Poland) for “sophistication in portraying contemporary missionary service” at the IX. International Catholic Festival of Christian Films and TV Programs MAGNIFICAT 2013 (Minsk). The Award - which is given every year as „Grand Prix“ of Niepokalonow in Poland as well - features Saint Maximilian Kolbe.
2012 “The 11th Day. The Survivors of Munich 1972”. 52’ HD, (DP, Second Unit), Biography Channel.
2011/12 “On Foot to Jerusalem” 30’/45’ HD, SRF “Sternstunden”, Producer and Director, the documentary accompanies four pilgrims, who walk the old Crusader route from Switzerland to Jerusalem (4800 km in 206 days). Film Festival: “VIII. International Catholic Festival of Christian Documentary Films and TV Programs MAGNIFICAT 2012” (International Competition). Awards: Bronze Telly Award Category Spirituality and Religion
2011/12 “Challenging Churchill” 90’, ZDF/ARTE, Producer and Director for 25 minutes of Animatics, which deals with Churchill’s role in the fate of Poland during WW II.
2010 “The Labyrinth. The Testimony of Marian Kolodziej.” 37’ HD, Documentary. USA, Germany, Associate Producer, Camera Operator, Still Photographer. Film Festivals / Awards: World Premiere on August 13th, 2010 at the International Documentary Association’s 14th Annual DocuWeeks™ Shorts 2010 Theatrical Documentary Showcase, Hollywood, CA. 2010 Redemptive Storytelling Award from the Redemptive Film Festival (Newport News, VA), Official Selection: 2010 Boston Film Festival, the 2010 Polish Film Festival of America (Los Angeles), the 2010 Plus Camerimage Film Festival (Poland), the 2011 Santa Barbara International Film Festival; the 2011 Boulder International Film Festival (Boulder, CO); the 2011 Peace on Earth Film Festival (Chicago, IL); the John Paul II Film Festival (Miami FL), the 13th Annual Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival 2011 (Tel Aviv, Israel), 2011 Palm Springs International Short Film Festival.
2010 “East of Berlin.” 13’ HD, Documentary, USA, Germany. Executive Producer. Film Festivals /Awards: 2011 Heartland Film Festival, 2012 BEA Festival of Media Arts (Best of Festival Award), 2012 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, EuroAsia Shorts 2012.
2009 “The Promise of Freedom. European Christians Facing the Challenges of a Post- Communist Era.” 25’ HD, Documentary. Germany, Producer. XII. International Film Festival for Cinema and Religion (international competition) 2009
2006–08 “In Spite of Darkness. A Spiritual Encounter with Auschwitz.” 74’ HD & 16mm, Documentary. Munich, produced & directed, Film Festivals / Awards: 3 Silver Telly Awards: music, cinematography and in the category: spirituality and religion 2008; “Redemptive Storyteller Award 2008“ (Virginia, USA); XI. International Film Festival for Cinema and Religion (international competition and category inter-religious dialog); “Redemptive Film Festival 2008”, Virginia USA (winner); finalist at the “2nd European Spiritual Film Festival 2009” (Paris); Best Documentary at the “V. International Catholic Festival of Christian Documentary Films and TV Programs MAGNIFICAT 2009” (international competition, Belarus); Film Festival “Truth Heals” 2010 (Berlin); finalist at the CULTURE&CULTURES Intercultural Int. Film Festival Lempaut, France 2010; finalist at SIGNIS –WACC, 17 European TV Festival of Religious Programs Berlin, Germany 2010; finalist at Spirit Enlightened – Culture Unplugged 2010 German TV Premiere: Nov 1, 2011, BR-Alpha.
2007 “Marian Kolodziej No. 432. Auschwitz Surviver”, 18’ HD, Munich, produced & directed
2006 “Instructions to the Cook: Living a Life That Matters.” 43’40” HD, Documentary about Bernie Glassman, produced & directed Film, Festivals / Awards: “Film Makers Choice Award: Best Art”, Culture Unplugged 2010; finalist at “Conscious Life Expo Film Festival 2008”
2006 “The Raven. The Philosophy of Composition” by Edgar Allan Poe. 15’08” HD, Documentary. New York, filmed, produced & directed
2006 “Letter to Ann”. 6’16” 16mm, Short film, written & directed
2005 “Walking in My Shoes”. 3’45” 16mm, Music film, filmed, produced & directed
2005 “OIII C - Fictional Biographies”. 45’ DVCam, Short film, filmed, produced & directed
2003-05 “A Hunger Artist”. 17’36” DVCam, Short film about performance artist David Blaine. A LPI Production - London, Los Angeles, filmed, produced & directed
2000–02 “On Horseback Through the Desert - The life of father Eusebio Kino SJ - Scientist and Missionary”. 29’ DVCam, Documentary about Fr. Kino S.J. filmed, produced & directed
2000 “The Monster of the Sea”. 10’28” DVCam, Commissioned by the City Markkleeberg for the Expo2000. (director Friederike Köpf). A performance with video about brown coal/open-cast mining/sea of Cospuden, filmed, produced & directed
2000 “Taxi Driver <remake>”. 04’30” DVCam, Short film, sound, digital editing, director
1999 “International Actors Workshop”. 10’50” DVCam, Documentary about the four actors from Germany, four actors from Chile and four actors from India debate the “Hamletmaschine” (hamlet machine) by Heiner Müller) on the 8th theatre festival in Meiningen (director Alexander Stillmark). A video production of the Leipzig University of Music and Theatre, camera, sound, digital editing, assistant director
Theater ^
2001 “The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other” a drama by Peter Handke. Canisius College Berlin, director
1999 “From Russia With Love, Demetrius” a drama according to Friedrich Schiller’s fragment “Demetrius”, at [kampnagel] Hamburg, writer and art director
1998 “Risen From the Myths. Madonna - Meinhof - Medea. The Other Knowledge. Three Women in Discourse”. Stage reading with music and video installation: Madonna “Like a Prayer” on the fall of literature in Leipzig. Music hall of University of Music and Theatre Leipzig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, script & video
1998 “Evening Greeting - or Heaven and Hell on the Sidewalk” a drama by Dominik Finkelde. Parish hall in St. Martin Leipzig, director
1997 “Penthesilea” a drama by Heinrich von Kleist, project for the Institute of Theatre (ITW). Stage at ITW, Munich, actor (roles: captain, messenger, choir)
1997 “Cheated Cheats - Uncovered Crimes. Demetrius or the Marriage of Blood in Moscow” stage reading of Friedrich Schiller’s at the IX. International Schiller Festival. Stage A, National Theatre Mannheim, script, stage reader
Publications ^
- 2021. The Moment Is For Me. An Ignatian Guide to Prayer. Translation by Daniel Jamros. Illustrations by Monika Gatt and an epilogue by Josef Schmidt. Loyola Productions Munich 2021, 119p.
- 2020. Between Illusion and Reality. The Wachowski Brothers’ "Matrix" as Cinematic Critique of the Digital World. (Zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit. Wachowskis Matrix als filmische Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Welt). 2nd extended edition. Loyola Productions Munich 2020, 128p (pdf).
- 2018. Cautela! Strengthen prevention - promote healing. (Cautela! Prävention stärken – Heilung fördern). An audio-visual prevention program for teachers, pupils and parents. Workbook. Edited by Alexander Buck, Monika Gatt, Felicitas Richter, Christof Wolf and Uwe Wrobel. Verlag Sankt Michaelsbund 2018, 150p.
- 2014. Der Augenblick ist mein: Eine ignatianische Anleitung zum Beten. Mit Aquarellen von Monika Gatt und einem Nachwort von Josef Schmidt SJ. Bonifatius Verlag, 120p.
- 2002. Between Illusion and Reality. The Wachowski Brothers’ "Matrix" as Cinematic Critique of the Digital World. (Zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit. Wachowskis Matrix als filmische Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Welt)Beiträge zur Medienästhetik und Mediengeschichte Bd. 14. Lit Verlag 2002, 123p.
Articles ^
- 2024. Truth and Imagination in Film. (Wahrheit und Imagination im Film). In: Münchner Theologische Zeitschrift, Heft 3, München 2024.
- 2021. Film Productions of Religious Orders. (Filmproduktionen der Ordensgemeinschaften). In: Visual Truth and Discursive Interpretation. A field description of Catholic film work in guiding ideas, areas of work, and cultural commentary (Visuelle Wahrheit und diskursive Deutung. Eine Feldbeschreibung katholischer Filmarbeit in Leitgedanken, Arbeitsbereichen und kulturellen Kommentaren) / edited by the Secretariat of the German Bishops' Conference. Bonn 2021. Arbeitshilfe 326, 102-105.
- 2021. Film Retreats. (FilmExerzitien) by Dr. Thomas Kroll & Christof Wolf. In: Visual truth and discursive interpretation. A field description of Catholic film work in guiding ideas, work areas and cultural commentaries (Visuelle Wahrheit und diskursive Deutung. Eine Feldbeschreibung katholischer Filmarbeit in Leitgedanken, Arbeitsbereichen und kulturellen Kommentaren) / edited by the Secretariat of the German Bishops' Conference. Bonn 2021. Arbeitshilfe 326, 135-141.
- 2020. Fierce Reactions. Again and again on Holy and Easter Days: the portrayal of Jesus in film. (Heftige Reaktionen. Immer wieder zu den Kar- und Ostertagen: Die Darstellung Jesu im Film) In: Münchner Kirchenzeitung. April 5, 2020 / Nr. 14, 10.
- 2020. The Bible Viewed Through Entrepreneurial Eyes. (Die Bibel durch die Unternehmerbrille betrachtet). In: BKU Journal, Nr. 1/2020, 18.
- 2019. 30 Years of the Fall of the Wall: Being a Catholic in the GDR (30 Jahre Mauerfall: Katholik sein in der DDR). In: Stimmen der Zeit 10/2019, Bd. 237, 721-722.
- 2019. The Essence of Film Retreats. (Vom Wesen der Film-Exerzitien). In: Spiritualität konkret. Themenheft - Exerzitien. Hrsg. Congregatio Jesu – ZENTRUM MARIA WARD. Heft 7, 2019, 28-33.
- 2019. “You shall not be called masters.” The film “Ai-un: Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle. Bridge-builder between Zen and Christianity” (Der Film „Ai-un: Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle. Brückenbauer zwischen Zen und Christentum“). In: Spirituality of the Future (Spiritualität der Zukunft). Search movements in a multi-religious world. EOS Editions Sankt Ottilien 2019, 119-126.
- 2019. Are rituals still needed today? Creatively alive, not fossilized in form. (Werden Rituale heute noch gebraucht? Kreativ lebendig, nicht in der Form erstarrt). In: Münchner Kirchenzeitung. August 11, 2019 / Nr. 32,33, 2-3.
- 2017. Winnetou’s Death (Winnetous Tod). In: Der Beobachter an der Elbe. Karl May, Ethnographie, Abenteuergenre, Museumsreport. Nr. 29, 12/2017, 35-36.
- 2014. Schwestern und La Religieuse (Die Nonne). Zum Film von Anna Wild und Guillaume Nicloux. In: Erbe und Auftrag 2/2014, 197-200.
- 2012. Review about the dOCUMENTA 13 (Review: dOCUMENTA (13). Rückblick auf 100 Tage Kunst in Kassel). By Monika Gatt und Christof Wolf. In: Stimmen der Zeit 10/2012, Bd. 230, 713-715.
- 4/2012ff. Eckpunkte. (Vertex). The monthly column by the Chaplain for the “Association of Catholic Journalists Germany” (GKP)
- 2011. Finding God in Film: Young Filmmakers Showcase their Work at WYD’s 3rd Iñigo Film Festival (TIFF). Präsenz und Abwesenheit Gottes aus der Sicht junger Filmemacher. 3. Iñigo Film Festival (TIFF) auf dem Weltjugendtag in Madrid (2011). In: Stimmen der Zeit 08/2011, Online exclusive.
- 2011. Of Gods and Men. (Des Hommes et des Dieux). Zum Film von Xavier Beauvois. In: Erbe und Auftrag 2/2011, 207-210.
- 2010. Intensifying Prevention and Promoting Healing. Remarks on an american success story. Prävention stärken – Heilung fördern. Anmerkungen zu einem US-amerikanischen Erfolgsmodell. ok (ordens korrespondenz), Heft 3/2010, 296-299.
-2010. Vision: From the Life of Hildegard Von Bingen. Vision – aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen. Zum Film von Margarethe von Trotta. In: Erbe und Auftrag 1/2010, 81-83.
- 2009. The End of an Art Collectors Family (Die Familie eines Kunstsammlers geht in die Brüche – die 53. Biennale in Venedig). Von Monika Gatt & Christof Wolf. In: Die Tagespost Nr. 108, p 10.
- 2009. Roman Heros – the Ben Hur Spectacle (Römische Helden). Von Monika Gatt & Christof Wolf. In: Die Tagespost, Nr. 59, p 10.
- 2007. Review about the documenta 12 (Review: Rückschau auf die documenta 12). Von Monika Gatt und Christof Wolf. In: Stimmen der Zeit 11/2007, Bd. 225, 774-776.
- 2007. Cinema and Contemplation: “Into Great Silence” (Kontemplation im Kino. “Die große Stille”. In: Erbe und Auftrag 2/2007, 205-207.
- 2007. Review about 54. International Filmfestival Donostia (Review: 54. Internationales Filmfestival Donostia. In: Stimmen der Zeit 2/2007, Bd. 225, 130-133.
- 2005. Film-Retreats: A Practical Guide for using Films for Spirituality (Film-Exerzitien: Eine praktische Anleitung für einen spirituellen Umgang mit Filmen. In: geist.voll 3/2005, 19-20.
- 2004. Some lines shouldn‘t be crossed - The Resurrection in Joel Schumacher‘s film “Flatliners”, pdf-file, 33p.
- 2004. The Hero’s Journey between Illusion and Reality. Why “Matrix Reloaded” and “Matrix Revolutions” failed. pdf-file, 9p.
- 2004. Jesus a Man of Pain (Jesus - ein Schmerzensmann. Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” im Rohschnitt. In: forum Nr. 2/2004, 28-29.
- 2003. Jesus a Man of Pain (Ein Schmerzensmann. Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”. In: filmdienst 26/2003, 12-14.
- 2003. It’s Over. Matrix Revisited: The End of a Trilogy (Am Ende – Matrix Revisited: Betrachtungen am Ende der Trilogie). In: filmdienst 24/2003, 6-9.
- 2002. Between Illusion and Reality. The Wachowski Brothers’ Matrix as Cinematic Critique of the Digital World (Zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit. Wachowskis Matrix als filmische Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Welt). Beitraege zur Medienaesthetik und Mediengeschichte Bd. 14. Lit Verlag 2002, 123p.
- 2000. Jesuit Theater in Germany (Jesuitentheater in Deutschland). In: Funiok/Schöndorf (Hrsg.) Ignatius von Loyola und die Pädagogik der Jesuiten. Ein Modell für Schule und Persönlichkeitsbildung. Reihe Geschichte und Reflexion. Hrsg. v. J. Petersen u. G.-B. Reinert. Auer Verlag, Donauwörth 2000, 172-199.
- 1999. Jesuit Theater. Jesuitentheater. In: “Hierlanda” University Church Vienna.
Book Reviews ^
- 2002. Triumpfus Divi Michaelis. The Triumpf of Saint Michael (Triumpfus Divi Michaelis. Triumpf des Heiligen Michael). Einleitung, Übersetzung und Text, Kommentar. Hrsg. von Barbara Bauer und Jürgen Leonardt. (Jesuitica Bd. 2). in: Geist und Leben 3/2002, 237-238.